Thursday, October 27, 2011

Days like today

I'll take into account,
on this coffee and rained soaked afternoon,
that my made at home coffee isn't cutting it.
Trudge out to a town not far from here,
and order up what I normally do.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

grandiose proportion

If I could somehow wipe October
right off the map... I would.
Not only this one, but to the past
and successive as well.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Day Soon.

There were these times
that we walked into Wegmans
on Erie Blvd.
and you would grab my arm
as we walked in together,

as we grazed around the produce section.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Still be the asshole.

Actions please.
It's funny.
I'm getting really sick of words.

I could drop a hundred lines on the subject.
But without action, it's nothing.

I am the asshole in this (and most) situations.

And if nothing changes, actually, really, completely, physically.

I'd still be the asshole.