Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our soul(s) to keep.

I just guess.
That's all I really do.
Take a sliver of the known
draw the most simple connecting
lines I can.

Take an educated leap
and hope that faith takes
      me (my soul to keep)
the entirety! The
rest of the way.

Where's that gotten me?
Sometimes to places good,
and some that are nothing if unbearable.
as if;
if not justified.

I've learned a few things about you
That I never knew before
Things that you never brought up
in the first thirty-three years,
and definitely not in the last two.

That other's have just let drop,
nonplussed from their lips.

Big, deep dark secrets.
That if they were mine,
I probably wouldn't have said either.

But, in retrospect, I'd tell you that it was
just fine.

And I wish you knew,
that it is all fine;
and you did what you had to.

And I miss you so goddamn'd much.